Area 51

The infamous top secret military base located in southern Nevada. Given the warning signs covering the perimeter of the base stating that “Trespassers will be shot”, it is not surprising that conspiracy theorists try to explain this secrecy. A popular theory is that the government is reverse-engineering alien technology that it has recovered from Roswell and other locations. Fueling this theory, Bob Lazar, a man who claimed to be an ex-employee of Area 51, stepped out in 1989 and described concepts such as Anti-matter reactors, Element 115, and Gravity Waves being worked on within the site.


The legend of Atlantis came mainly from the accounts of the Greek philosopher Plato. He described it as a highly advanced civilization that had existed 11,000 years ago but had sunken into the ocean due to a natural catastrophe (varying widely from volcanic eruption to meteor strike). A location of this “lost continent” was never revealed but most theorists undoubtedly place it somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean. Some believe that Atlantis had some technology that is advanced even by today's standards and had access to spacecraft and advanced energy sources. Some even believe that Atlantis was a colony of alien beings from another planet and might still be alive to this day-either at the very bottom of the ocean or having left to another planet.

Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle is an area of Atlantic Ocean where unexplained disappearances have happened. The first account of the paranormal behavior of this area is from Christopher Columbus's own journal. He described sighting of seaweed and birds-indication that they were close to shore. Days later, however, they still had not reached land. He also described that his compass was behaving strangely and his crew had seen a ball of light falling from the sky. Since then, over 100 boats and planes have disappeared in that area without a trace. No wreckage or bodies have ever been found.


Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, is an ape-like creature that has been sighted in the northwestern part of the United States. Its existence is debated because no one has ever provided conclusive evidence of the creature. It is alleged to live in regions that are unusual for a large, nonhuman primate. All other apes are found in the tropics of Africa or Asia, not in the temperate regions of North America. Adding to the mystery is that no fossils, bones, or bodies of the creature have ever been found.


Like Bigfoot, the Chupacabra is another alleged creature whose existence is in question. It is said to drink the blood from farm animals (mainly goats) in South America and leave corpses with visible neck incisions. Descriptions of its appearance vary widely, with some who say that it looks like a large cat, while others say it has the classic grey alien look. Like Bigfoot, alleged reports of footprints and dung have been found but none have ever provided sufficient evidence of the Chupacabra's existence.


A ghost is the disembodied spirit of a deceased person or animal. There have been numerous accounts of ghost witnesses-usually in old buildings, graveyards, or the scene of an unexpected death. Reports of ghosts do not only include sightings but also of unexplained noise, cold spots, mysterious footsteps, and moved objects. The most famous ghost photograph is the one of the “Brown Lady”. It is considered by some to conclusively prove the existence of ghosts. The ghost is allegedly that of a woman who used to in Raynim Hall (where the photograph was taken) before she died. It is widely believed that the photograph is genuine and it is one of the most convincing ghost photographs ever taken.

John Titor

John Titor was a man who appeared on several bulletin boards during 2000 and 2001 claiming to be a time traveler from the year 2036. He first appeared on Time Travel Institute forums in November 2, 2000 and mainly gave a description of what a time machine would need. He stated that it requires a “two top-spin, dual positive singularities”. He made no mention or claimed to be a time traveler in these early posts. He first claimed to be a time traveler a few months later and made various predictions about the near future starting with events in 2004.

He described a civil war in the United States that escalated to a nuclear World War III. He also stated that his timeline is disjoint from ours and that his very existence in our universe changes some of these events. He also revealed that the primary objective for his time traveling is to retrieve an IBM 5100 from 1975 to debug legacy computer programs in 2036 and stopped in 2000 for “personal reasons” to collect pictures lost in the civil war, and visiting family. In March 2001, he announced that he was returning to his own time and was never seen again.

Loch Ness Monster

The Loch Ness Monster, or Nessie, is an animal that is believed to live in Britain's largest lake, Loch Ness, in Scotland. Some believe it to be a living member of the dinosaur, Plesiosaur. Others think it is could be a giant eel or a long-necked seal. Various organizations have tried to search for the creature. Most notably, the team Discovery Loch Ness tried to find Nessie using sonar. The team's system picked up a rare kind of underwater disturbance from stored energy and had three sonar contacts.

Philadelphia Experiment

The Philadelphia Experiment, also known as Operation Ghost, was an alleged naval experiment in the Philadelphia Naval shipyard in 1943. The USS Eldbridge, a Destroyer Class ship, was thought to be the subject of an experiment involving force fields. Witnesses of the event claimed that the ship turned completely invisible for a period of time. It was also reported that the ship was physically teleported to Norfolk, Virginia before it returned to Philadelphia. Many members of the crew became ill and died shortly afterwards. The crew also reported strange happenings during the experiment itself. Some became “embedded” in the ship itself and others were able to “walk through walls”. If the experiment had indeed happened as it was claimed, then the US Military had access to teleportation technology as early as the 1940s.

Sathya Sai Baba

A South Indian guru, religious leader, and a miracle worker. He is known for his miraculous manifestations of various objects. He has materialized sacred ash, food, small objects, necklaces, and watches from his bare hands-even before large audiences. He has explained the phenomenon as being an act of divine creation. His clothing is a loose cloth wrap and contains no pockets. He has refused to perform his materializations under experimental conditions because he says that the approach using science was improper. He says that spiritualism transcends the senses and in order to understand spiritual power, you can do so only through the path of spirituality and not science. In the houses of his devotees all around the world, there are claims from observers, journalists, and devotees that sacred ash, holy water, statues of deities, sugar candy, fruits, herbs, colored string, and writings on walls spontaneously materialize in their homes.

Content taken from SocyBerty